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  • In reactie op: Dinsdag 30 november #link naar dit bericht

    Opa, nee hoor dat ben ik zelf. Mijn gehele naam is een beetje te lang :-). Maar bedankt voor je reactie. Ik hoop dat je het interessant vond.

    In reactie op: Dinsdag 30 november #link naar dit bericht

    Kun jij het een beetje uitleggen, ik ben een beginnende belegger. 🙂

    In reactie op: Junior Manie officieel van start! #link naar dit bericht

    Er komt een gekte in zilver -en goudmijnaandelen. De koersen kunnen wel met 542.000% omhoog!

    With gold settling around $1,375 and silver holding $27.50, King World News interviewed John Embry, Chief Investment Strategist at Sprott Asset Management. When asked about the negativity surrounding the advance in gold and the disbelief in the upward price movement Embry said, “I think it’s very simple, the mainstream press is so negative on gold, and you get all of these high profile commentators like Dennis Gartman and they are always out saying the same thing. They are just sort of putting out the idea that, ‘Oh yeah, it may go a little bit higher BUT then it’s going to get smashed.’”
    November 25, 2010

    Embry continues:

    “And I think collectively this type of propaganda I would call it, works on the average man’s mind. It’s created a collective negativity which is in my opinion dead wrong, and it just sets the stage for the next big up leg in both metals.”

    When asked if we will see a repeat of the mania from late ’79 early ’80 where the share prices of some juniors skyrocketed between 34,000% and 542,000% in price Embry replied, “I would say unquestionably. I have been quoted a few times saying 5 and 10 baggers will be commonplace but I honestly think that this thing is big enough that we will see valuations at stupid prices, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the internet craze. It will be of that magnitude I believe before this thing runs its course.”

    When asked why more seasoned professionals were not talking about an explosion in the price of silver John said, “Well, I’ll tell you one pro who’s talking about a blastoff and that’s my partner Eric Sprott, who if you check his record over the last 25 years, he’s probably as prescient as any man on earth. And he said to me the other day, ‘I think this thing is going to be $50 in several months and I think it’s the absolute investment of the decade if not more.’ So, I mean there’s one guy who’s opinion is worth listening to who thinks the silver price is just getting ready to go ballistic.”

    Regarding gold Embry stated, “The debt in the system and the whole financial fragility of the whole system does not give them the option of withdrawing liquidity from the system. It forces them to pour more liquidity into the system. So, therefore gold is the monetary metal. It is not gold that’s changing, it’s been money for thousands of years, it’s the value of the paper money that’s changing. And if these people are required to create more and more money to keep the system intact, the price of gold is going to go up in terms of that paper money.”

    The complete in-depth King World News interview with John Embry will be released shortly.
    John Embry has been in the business for 48 years. At the beginning of the secular bull market in gold, John was the only mainstream (RBC Capital at the time) institutional individual to proclaim the bull market in gold. RBC was saying that’s not the message of the bank, so John was taking a lot of heat for his stance. Fortunately for all of us Eric Sprott hired John out of the mainstream and the rest is history.

    In reactie op: Beleggerskroeg geopend #link naar dit bericht

    Financial stress index stijgt met 19%.

    St. Louis financial stress index rises to 0.324 from 0.272.

    The St. Louis Fed’s Financial Stress Index (STLFSI) is constructed using principal components analysis, which is similar to the construction of the Kansas City Fed’s FSI (KCFSI). Briefly, principal components analysis is a statistical method of extracting factors responsible for the comovement of a group of variables. We assume that financial stress is
    the primary factor influencing this comovement, and by extracting this factor (the first principal component) we are able to create an index with a useful economic interpretation. We construct the STLFSI using 18 weekly data series over the sample period December 31, 1993, to December 11, 2009.


    In reactie op: Vrijdag 26 november #link naar dit bericht

    Wordt er dubbel gepost op gannfool door je Blacky ?
    Zie daar dezelfde gegevens & getallen voorbijkomen 😉

    In reactie op: Beleggerskroeg geopend #link naar dit bericht

    Gaat lekker: Europa wil het bedrag voor de redding van de schuldenlanden verdubbelen.

    The European Commission is pushing to double the size of Europe’s €440 billion ($586.52 billion) bailout fund for indebted euro-zone countries, according to people familiar with the situation.

    But the proposal by the Commission, the European Union’s executive arm, has run up against opposition from Germany, the EU’s biggest economy, which is unwilling to expand the size of the fund .

    In reactie op: Beleggerskroeg geopend #link naar dit bericht

    The first 12 hours of a U.S. dollar collapse!

    The Day the Dollar Died

    Een Amerikaanse versie van “de dag dat de dollar valt”.

    In reactie op: Dagelijkse update van diverse grafieken #link naar dit bericht

    @jans, ik heb die optie uitgeschakeld.

    De code om een grafiek in te voegen die in een nieuw venster geopend wordt is:

    <a href="url van grafiek" target="_blank"><img class="alignnone" src="url van grafiek" alt="" width="799" height="643" /></a>

    In reactie op: Dagelijkse update van diverse grafieken #link naar dit bericht

    @jans ik heb die optie uitgeschakeld.

    De code om een grafiek in te voegen die in een nieuw venster geopend wordt is:

    In reactie op: dinsdag 23 november #link naar dit bericht


    In reactie op: Beleggerskroeg geopend #link naar dit bericht

    Merkel: Euro Is in Serious Trouble

    LONDON—The euro is facing “an extraordinarily serious situation” in the wake of Ireland’s debt problems, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Tuesday, sparking an abrupt fall in the shared currency’s value on foreign-exchange markets.

    The euro has been under pressure for several weeks amid concern over economic strains in Ireland. The euro-zone member now looks set for help from the International Monetary Fund and European Union after officially asking for a rescue package over the weekend, but that has failed to prevent the currency’s fall.

    Now, for the first time since Ireland became the central point of this crisis, a more panicky tone is developing, as Ms. Merkel’s comments reveal the true gravity of the situation for the common currency’s future. German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble also said Tuesday that the fate of the euro is “at stake.” Mixed in with political instability in Ireland and concern that credit-ratings agencies are growing nervous about Portugal, that creates a recipe for the sort of anxious trading in the euro last seen in May and June this year, and the currency is falling fast against the dollar, Swiss franc, sterling and yen.

    Cutting Back

    Voices from Europe’s fiscal crisis.

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    Timeline: Ireland’s Woes

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    More photos and interactive graphics
    “Suddenly we have a very disorderly move happening again in the euro,” said Paul Mackel, a currencies analyst at HSBC in London, adding that the market generally has been overlooking this risk. “That was the lesson from May when the initial support came out for Greece. You would have thought that should have been supportive for the currency, but it didn’t quite happen that way. The next thing, the euro pretty much collapsed in a very short space of time.”

    In a speech at the German employers’ association’s annual conference, Ms. Merkel outlined the gravity of the problems. “We’re in an extraordinarily serious situation, as far as the situation of the euro is concerned,” she said.

    Ms. Merkel said the Irish crisis was “very worrying” but different from that faced by Greece earlier this year. She noted that in Ireland, it was banks that triggered the budget deficit, rather than reckless spending.

    Ms. Merkel said the problems underlined the need for tougher sanctions for countries that flout the euro zone’s Growth and Stability Pact. “If the euro is to be a stable currency, the Stability and Growth Pact needs to be kept,” she said.

    Up to now, the euro has been shielded from a rapid fall because traders and investors have been fretting about the dollar-denting impact of extra quantitative-easing measures launched by the U.S. Federal Reserve earlier this month. As recently as Monday, Citigroup’s analysts were advising their clients to brace for “the next leg higher in the euro against the dollar” as the Irish bailout request was seen throwing the market’s focus back onto U.S. economic strains.

    One day later, the atmosphere has soured. Late in the European session the euro traded some 1.7% below its highest point of the day against the dollar, at $1.34, a substantial drop from $1.3624 late Monday in New York. The euro fell by a similar degree against the Swiss franc, to 1.33 francs, and by 1% against sterling to £0.8448. It was in freefall against the yen, marking a 2.4% decline to 111 yen.

    The impact isn’t limited to the euro’s moves against the dollar. Instead, some traders said the euro’s decline against the yen is helping to fuel an abrupt rally in the Japanese currency across the board.

    “This is likely to be the start of a bigger move lower for the euro,” said Ian Stannard, a currencies analyst at French bank BNP Paribas in London. “Overall, [Merkel’s] comments are not helping and are reminding the market that things are still very much in place and the arrival of a rescue package for Ireland doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the story—the spotlight is already moving on [to other indebted euro members].”

    Once again, concern over the structure of the 16-country currency, with one monetary policy but different national economies and fiscal policies, is clearly resurfacing. “While it’s true that the Irish situation is different from Greece, the root problems of years of inappropriate monetary policy are the same,” said Simon Derrick, a currencies analyst at The Bank of New York Mellon in London.

    In reactie op: Goud niet zo duur als het lijkt #link naar dit bericht

    Superbelegger George Soros: omstandigheden ideaal voor stijging goudprijs.

    George Soros is at it again with more comments on the gold market. This time he admits that conditions are ideal for gold to rise. He claims that the actual deflationary pressures combined with fears of inflation will continue to propel gold higher. He also claims that gold will go parabolic before the bull market ends.

    George also believes that there are too many hedge funds that are exposed to gold. Isn’t Soros’s fund a hedge fund? Anyway, I guess it is ok when George and his fund are long but not other hedge funds.

    Back to the gold market, Soros sees a coming mania followed by a collapse. The third stage that Soros describes could very well be a ways off as we are early in the second phase, and it is the longest phase in a bull market.

    Michael Pento, Chief Economist at Euro Pacific Capital stated in response to Soros’s comments, “He’s (Soros) straddling the fence, why would he claim that their are deflationary pressures and at the same time claim that there are fears of inflation? He says that there are fears of inflation, but there’s a reason for that and that is because there is inflation everywhere you look.”

    Pento also commented, “What deflationary pressures is he (Soros) talking about? Everything you buy is going up in price and the Fed is intent on raising the rate of inflation to 2% as measured by the government, even though in reality it is already much higher than that.”

    Following Soros can be fairly entertaining because he gets the playbook ahead of time and knows where certain markets will be taken in advance. As Pento mentioned, there is tremendous inflation, so for now just accumulate physical gold and silver on the pullbacks. In the future we will try to help King World News readers to interpret any SorosSpeak so there won’t be any confusion.

    In reactie op: Beleggerskroeg geopend #link naar dit bericht

    Welke banken bezitten welke staatsobligaties? Wie zit er diep in Ierland of Portugal?

    Mooie interactieve atlas van de Europese staatsschulden en van diens banken.

    De interactieve atlas nationale schuld is een snelle overzicht van de complexe verwikkelingen van financiën en de budgetten in Europa.

    Atlas van FTD

    In reactie op: dinsdag 23 november #link naar dit bericht

    ter lering: 6749,5 & 13:45 was een hit ?
    en gezien dalend erin naar de 6749 was dit aldaar een low en dus daarna weer up?

    In reactie op: dinsdag 23 november #link naar dit bericht

    Totaal brengt het ons op 47,5 + 30 – 10 = 67,5 punt
    was +37,5 ipv 47.5 😉 maar > 30 draai ik zelf niet vaak op een trade dus wel de dagpluim .

    In reactie op: dinsdag 23 november #link naar dit bericht

    Vertraagt hier enorm. hoop niet dat er ook nog nieuwe hardware bij moet komen…. 🙂 tegen de tijd dat het hier staat is trade al weer gesloten 😉
    Tip: voor echt mee traden is een forum te traag en moet je naar een chatbox toe.

    Maar was stukje mee op eigen signaal & je tijdslijn > 9:45 (+20pt)er loopt nog een runner.

    In reactie op: maandag 22 november #link naar dit bericht

    Op dit forum is iedereen welkom en wordt iedereen met respect behandeld door administrators, moderators, leden en andere bezoekers. Het staat iedereen vrij om elke vraag, mits niet in strijd met het forumreglement, te stellen. Vervolgens mag de discussie op inhoudelijke gronden worden gevoerd. Een aanval op een persoon is niet toegestaan.

    Laten we ons hieraan houden.

    In reactie op: maandag 22 november #link naar dit bericht

    Jullie beiden e.a hadden toen het plan opgevat om gejatte schripts te verkopen aan niets vermoedende cente leden.
    Ik heb nooit deze intensie gehad, dus dit is een valse beschuldiging.

    In reactie op: maandag 22 november #link naar dit bericht

    @peetiex Van harte welkom op ons forum. Gelieve u aan ons reglement te houden.

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