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Forum Forums Aandelen Dow Jones naar 14.000


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    Dow Could Hit 14K Before Next Crash

    “I can see this market at 14,000,” says investor and author Phil Town. Using the secular bear market of the 1970s as his road-map, Town thinks the market might continue its upward swing and then crash once again, continuing the boom bust cycle of the last ten years.

    Town’s investment strategy won’t change either way. It is “not about guessing the market right,” he tells Aaron in the accompanying clip.

    Town doesn’t look at the broad indexes as a guide. And, neither should you, if you want to get rich, he recommends. “If you want to be a great investor and really start taking control of your finances I think you have to start looking for individual companies,” says the author of Payback Time.

    Bull or bear market, Town believes there’s always undervalued companies that make good investments. He suggests finding a few businesses one can understand really well and then investing accordingly.

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